I was overtired, confused, and waiting for her to get out of my way so I could get to the milk.
Out of my mouth came, "No, I don't. In fact, I haven't had to pee all day."
The lady looked at me like I was insane and pushed her shopping cart out of the way, giving me access to the milk.
That's when my brain caught up to my mouth I realized what I'd said. And that I was bouncing up and down like my 4 year-old does when she has to pee.
It took me a while longer to realize why I was bouncing when standing in place (and rocking side to side when I'm seated.) I HAVE A NEWBORN and these are soothing actions. I do them whether baby is in my arms or not. Hopefully this will be a little tick that I'll get rid of along with the inability to shower daily or change my clothes.
One month later as I thought of the generous blogger awards I'd been given I decided that as I tell you a little bit more about myself I'd give you a character sketch with some of my now conscious ticks and a little bit of random thrown in the mix.

Cassie Mae of Reading Writing and Loving It and Caitlyn Byers of Random Thoughts from Caitlynville gave me the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks ladies! So here are 7 facts about me.
1. As mentioned I no longer have to capacity to sit or stand still even if baby JT is not attached to me.
2. If I'm getting uncomfortable in a conversation (or bored) I fiddle with the necklace I wear every day. It's the Hebrew symbol chai. It represents life and luck and is a constant reminder of my study abroad at BYU's Jerusalem Center Winter of 1999.
2.5When doing yoga, particularly down dog, I put my necklace in my mouth so it doesn't hit my teeth or nose as I do my pop backs or pop ups.
3. I have Norton's Toe (now don't get all excited thinking I have some fungal problem that Dermisil can't cure.) It means that my 2nd toe is longer than my big toe.
For the entirety of my sophomore year in HS I realized how imperfect my feet were and refused to wear open-toed shoes, but I got over it and am now an open toe girl. So far the only definite is I can't wear these toes shoes that I spent forever coveting.
4. When I'm nervous or trying to psych myself up to do something I crack my knuckles and then instantly worry that I'll get arthritis and try not to pop more. But, if I start popping my knuckles I have to pop all the rest of them before the need to crack them goes away.
5. I can't sneeze just once. It's at least a double. And if I have a cold, sometimes I'll sneeze 4 times in a row. Side note: my grandmother, upon finding out that my parents were engaged, said of my mother, "But she doesn't sneeze like a lady." (i.e. delicate and and high pitched cute.) Well, I sneeze like my mother.
6. I'm left-handed, so college lecture classes were torture with their tiny desks that folded out on the right side. I was paranoid that the people sitting around me thought I was cheating off their papers.
But being left-handed has advantages. I played weak-side hitter in volleyball, first base in softball, plus I could switch and slap hit. On a double-date with the hubs pre-marriage we kicked serious trash buddy bowling (he's a righty) and to this day we can eat holding hands.
7. If the sun is up I can't go back to sleep. So, if baby JT wakes up at 4:30 am for a snack, I can't fall back to sleep. On a positive side, I write best first thing in the morning and usually wake up by 5:30 if JT hasn't done it for me (no alarm needed).
I'm awarding Andrea Teagan and JayBird and Kate Scott
Carissa Taylor (who lives in Australia where I've dreamed of going since 7th grade) gave me the Kreativ Blogger Award. Ten Questions:
1. What is your favorite song?
2. What is your favorite dessert? cheesecake with raspberries on top
3. What ticks you off? barking dogs and toenails in the sink
5. Which is/was your favorite pet? Until I was five we had a golden retriever named Arnie that let me rides on his back. No other pet has been as perfect.
6. Which do you prefer, black or white? Weird question. If it's a wet t-shirt contest I'd pick black. (not that I'd enter a wet t-shirt contest in the first place)
7.What is your biggest fear? That I'm not good enough
8. What is your attitude mostly? I'm a glass half full kind of gal
9.What is perfection? Sunday afternoon naps
10. What is your guilty pleasure? reading
I'm awarding Erin Shakespear and Jaye Robin Brown
What are your unconscious ticks? What about your current MC?