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Monday, November 19, 2012

2011 NaNo vs. 2012 NaNo

When I started my 2011 NaNo I had a only two responsibilities: 1-take care of my four-day-old, and 2-write a new book. On the outside this might look challenging, but I'd had my easiest birth yet (don't worry, I'll spare you the details) so recovery was easy and at least for that 1st month, my newborn did a lot of sleeping. My mom, friends, and husband did all the cleaning and the cooking, and NaNo was attainable.

This year, I have a rambunctious 1-year-old, three older children (that I now homeschool), piano lessons to teach, and multiple commitments with my church, in addition to all that cooking, cleaning, and getting dressed, which, let's face it, I barely did in last November.

Some things are the same.
1. I'm determined to win.
2. I have my CP's to keep me accountable.
3. I use those bribery methods and number nerd activities I mentioned earlier this month here.
4. I get most of my writing in before 8 am.
5. I am loving the community feeling of writing with so many of you.
6. I'm pantsing my novel.

Look for a post soon all about pantsing-for now, here are my NaNo stats:

Day 19:
Days I wrote at least 2 K: 14
Days I didn't write at all: 3
Word Count: 39,049

If you've done NaNo before, how does this year compare?

Keep plunking away at those keys


  1. Nano with a 4-year-old. Not a big deal. You amaze me, girl. And look at your numbers this year, you are almost there! Go go go.

    I'm looking forward to the pantsing post. Sometimes I feel like a army drill sergeant compared to all you carefree, partying it up pantsers, and I don't get how I missed the invite. Haha.

    1. Thanks Ilima! This year has a whole different feel-my brain is stretched in so many more directions (20 vs. 2) I'll let you know when pantsing goes up. And to think, my mother told me never to do it and I do it all the time:)

      And trust me when I say there are many times I wish I had a paper to TELL me what to write next, to be able to jump around to different scenes like you do. But I am what I am, and I'm proud of it!

    2. Um, yeah. I meant 4 DAY old. My brain is nano-fried.

  2. No matter what you say, winning NaNo with a newborn is quite an accomplishment. Also, you're doing awesome your word count is amazing.

    And I'm with you on the pantsing. It doesn't matter if I write an outline. It's gone by page thirty.

    1. So true on the outlining. I have tried it before, but my writing self is very stubborn about following. I'm always excited when I read about an author and learn they're a panther. Glad to have you with me:) Also, your word count is looking VERY good. Go Em!

    2. Panther writers?! Cool, what's that all about? ;-) Looks like all our brains are Nano-fried, mine included.

  3. I think it's amazing you could begin NaNo with a 4-day old, even if others were helping you around the house. I'm doing NaNo this month, and I work to juggle writing and caring for my two kids (one's a 6 month old). I'm behind on word count, but I'm keeping at it. I hope you win too!

    1. Thanks Cynthia. It definitely is more of a challenge with children, no question. I'm beginning to wonder if I've forgotten how hard it was last year to get in that daily word count. Having a newborn is a bit of a blur. Good luck and keep on writing. I hope you win!

  4. In so many ways a 1-yr-old is harder than a newborn. For one, you have to chase them all over the house and make sure they don't stick their fingers in electrical outlets. So even though you rocked Nano last year with a newborn, I think this year's accomplishment is just as awesome. I've always been awed by how goal-driven you are and how you always succeed. Hugs to my BFF CP!

    1. Thanks Katie! I need to start having goals like Make Dinner-that would make the hubs happy:) THanks for the love! Right back at you <3<3 (or is it 3> 3>? I can never keep it straight)

  5. Good luck! I also love the sense of community. And the more often I do NaNo (or Camp NaNo since I did that in August), the easier it gets. Perhaps that's because I know more what to expect now.

    I'm also a panster.

    1. I'm always excited to meet a fellow pantser. We need a support group for all the crazy highs and lows that go along with it:D

  6. Best of luck to you. You're doing great!

    1. Thanks Dana, I'm sure trying. Word Count word count means I meet my goal, which is great, but I can tell this MS is going to need some serious revising. *pulls up sleeves*

  7. Aw you're doing great! You've got a lot on your plate, and it's surprising just how much we can get done sometimes. I learned a couple years ago that the only time I could write would be from 4am-6am and that's what I did until a novel was finished. Somehow, those few stolen moments make it so worth it and I can never stop my creative juices from flowing. :)

    1. Morning writing time is the best for me. I prefer it anyhow, but 4 am, that would be tough even for me! Go PK, GO!

  8. I can't imagine doing NaNo with four're insane! :) Also, homeschooling must be intense...I'm impressed you get any writing done at all.

    Go go go! I'm not doing NaNo this year, but I'm cheering for you!

    1. Thanks Kate! Yeah, my cup is running over this year, but I'm loving the homeschooling even though I miss my during the day writing time.
