If you have Netflix like we do this is an Instant Play. Plus Ed Harris is so cute in his bow tie and glasses.

Andy-"I'm not a very good writer"
Mr. Simon -"I beg to differ with you, Andrew. I find your writing fascinating. You're a keen observer with a colorful perspective. In fact, underneath the poor grammar and the atrocious spelling, I believe there lies the heart of a great writer. Do you enjoy writing?"
"Sort of, sometimes. Making up the story part at least."
"Well if you enjoy something and you're good at it then first you must define yourself as what you want to be. Repeat after me. "I am a writer, that's what I am."
(Andy weakly, like a question) "I'm a writer, that's what I am."
"Let's try that again. Stand up straight, shoulders back, deep breath: I am a writer, that's what I am."
"I am a writer, that's what I am!"
"Excellent Andrew. Now go, and write."
Writer friends, stand tall, shoulders back, take a deep breath, and tell the world, "I am a writer. That's what I am."
Now go, and write.