I've invited my ten year old, Israel, to review Tyler Whitesides latest release, Janitors: Curse of the Broomstaff. My son couldn't wait to read it, even if it meant he had to use my kindle. To direct him a bit I asked him to answer the questions in blue.
From Goodreads: A secret society of Janitors with wizard-like powers continue their battle, and now, the stakes are even higher. The Bureau of Educational Maintenance is after Alan Zumbro and this time they mean business - deadly business. Spencer, Daisy, and their little team of rebels must find the source of all magical Glop and destroy it before it can destroy the world as we know it. No small task with the BEM and their monster toxites at their heels. It's a wild and dangerous ride as they follow the trail of clues all the way to the hiding place of the mysterious aurans: guardians of a secret landfill. What they discover there will change the way
Spencer sees himself, not to mention the fate of the rebels.
Why is Janitors Three: Curse of the Broomstaff so cool?
I really like the idea at the beginning that this book is about garbage. Serious, it's garbage. Well, not that type of garbage like the book isn't good, but the garbage that you throw in the trash can. Also, there's this thing, where this guy, if you have the guts he can look in somebody elses trash can and he can learn about them. For example, say you find wrapping paper you would know there was a birthday party or someone was having a birthday or giving a gift. Say you find a bunch of credit cards, then you would know that they were rich or something. And then there's the part about how he put another food fight and that by a custom, they meant following every single glopified crosswalk on the way to the special place. If you didn't cross all of them and just get there the bridge would collapse, unless you're authorized with the secrets, you can't get in.
Tyler Whitesides is an amazing writer, seriously. Glopified is so cool. He took magic and changed it to glopified. (he must have had a baby to come up with that) I loved all three Janitors books, it was like a bouncy house, I was sucked into everything. An evil school, glopified duct tape, glopified razor blades, plungers, push brooms, and so much more.
I also liked the idea of the vortex bag being about to suck up everything and the idea of being able to conquer the trash minions by using trash talk.
Which book in the series is your favorite?
Number three was the best, but they were all awesome. I think my favorite part of book one was the part where they were running around trying to stop the bad guys from becoming warlocks and in book two, I liked the part where they were battling their way down to where Spencer's dad was. (His last name was Zumbro, by the way). My favorite of number three was the part was well, the entire trash site. And seriously, being able to travel between toilets and a trap that sinks you into cement. It is unbelievable.
If you could be one of the characters who would you be?
If I was one of the characters in the book I would be Spencer (he's a Dark Auran). I like the fact that the Aurans are a good guy and a bad guy, but they're being lead by V. Then there are Dark Aurans and the Aurans panned them because they stole the special janitor book from a wizard...
What was the funniest part?
The part where they were trying to lift up Walter the Warlock and they were going to use this plunger and the glopified plungers you can lift up and elephant and it will feel like a feather. Well they tried to do that with Walter but they used a REAL plunger, like that's used on a toilet.
Is there any love involved?
Yes, Roe, she disguised her name as Jenna, has had a crush on Spencer since book two. But don't worry, there's no kissing, just the heroic stuff and close to kissing.
Who would like to read the Janitors Books?
Boys of 7 to any age and girls the same. Parents will kind of get grossed out about the fact that they're using cleaning tools.
Tyler Whitesides and Brian Jaques are my favorite writers. I'll tell you about Brian Jaques's books another time.
Thank you, Israel, for being on the blog, and Tyler Whitesides for writing such a great MG series!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Author Crush Jolene Perry
Last week I spotlighted three favorite recent reads and mentioned I'd discovered an author I couldn't wait to introduce you to. I read three of her books in three days, they were that good. So here's my journey to discovering Jolene Perry.
I heard about Jolene a few months back when I saw the cover reveal for this beauty on Jenny Morris's blog.
I couldn't stop staring. My copy isn't as pretty as the high quality versions, but imagine the richness of the floor and the reflection in the wood and not being sure if it is covered in a thin layer of water or not, but being intrigued either way. It's hot, it's playful, and... I'm getting away from myself. So, at this point I started following Jolene's blog. She has wonderfully real posts. and interacts well with readers. Also, I've always been curious about collaborations and she's sure done a lot of them (and she's even teaching a class on it for LDStorymakers 2014!) I want to go so bad, but the chances are pretty slim *cue serious sad face here*So, I kept following, but I hadn't read anything of hers yet. I bought 3 Sides to a Circle, but didn't start it. And then she released the cover reveal of this beauty out next March from Albert Whitman Teen:
This cover took my breath away (and I'm usually anti-hearts. It's a joke in my family that Stan's going to get my a ginormous heart pendant). I had to read it. I looked up the book, the publisher, and the cover designer. When Jolene posted it was up on Netgalley (be still my heart) I rushed to request it. The Summer I Found You was a read now option...*cue frantic happiness* If you're on Netgalley go now and swoop it up. I'll wait.
I began reading this beauty in the midst of my walking pneumonia and I read it in half a day. I couldn't get enough of Kate and Aidan (and their alternating POVs). Having recently moved from a military town and being married to a councelor specializing in military and deployment issues, I know how real Aidan's struggle is, to have a future plan of retiring military and then to be receive a medical discharge at 19. We had many friends go through this for various reasons. Aidan lost an arm. He couldn't do buttons, or drive his stick shift, or open the toothpaste without using his teeth. Add that on top of the mental trauma of the incident and the loss of his commanding officer and friend and you have one troubled boy. Enter a girl dealing (but poorly) with her DiabetesType I diagnosis and the need to self-regulate, to prick and plunge needles into her skin. One issue we could clearly see, the other not so much. The plot gripped me, I cried for them, I ached for them, and I loved right along with them. I've never found a one-armed man as hot as Aidan!
*some language, but it was authentic to military life
I couldn't help myself, I had two more Jolene Perry books on my kindle, so I opened 3 Sides to a Circle, saving the LDS read for Sunday-lol.
I should mention this is one of her collaborations, this time with Janna Watts. This book is NA told from 3 POVs. I haven't read many NA yet, but the college years were huge for me. So much of my life and decisions I made happened during these years. My freshman year, that first time on my own, I ended up with a roommate unlike any I had expected. We filled out surveys and I still don't know how the college thought we're pair well. So I could relate to the shock of Honor meeting wild child Libby who seems to know everyone and have crazy ideas to make everything an adventure. Add nerdy Toby to the mix and you've got three memorable characters for a great ride. This is another book I absorbed in a day. It was a little heavy on the language and crudeness factor, but I couldn't resist the writing.
Next I read The Weight of Love. Isn't this cover stunning? I love the light in it, the yellows and her face to the sun.
This is an LDS novel, again with a military influence. The MC, Jaycee, lost her husband two years previous on a deployment and is raising their autistic son on her own. The male MC, Mitchell, is a boy who strayed early in life, but came back to the church and is serving a mission in Alaska where Jaycee lives. From Jolene's blog, "The Weight of Love is a story about letting go of the past, falling in love during impossible circumstances, and learning that often the best kinds of joy are the ones worth waiting for."
I don't read much LDS fiction, but I've found a few writers whom I really enjoy. I've added Jolene to the top of that list. I especially liked the different POV's for this story because each were going through so many different issues and experienced the same things in different ways. I LOVED the hair cutting scene and how wonderful Mitchell's mom was to Jaycee. If you enjoy LDS fiction, or are looking to give it a try, I hope you'll pick up this one.
Jolene was sweet enough to tell me how the titles for her books came about.

The Summer I Found You was not my title. My publisher sent me an email saying - By the way we've changed your title to The Summer I Found You. Originally the title was Used To Be, which I didn't love and told them as much. Also, Eileen Cook has a book out w/ that same name and it's a YA Contemp.
3 Sides to a Circle is a title I've had spinning in my head for a LONG time and when Janna came up with the idea for the book, I was like - WE HAVE TO USE MY TITLE!! lol.
I think Knee Deep is my favorite title. I love how it weaves through the book, and I also love how simple it is. That's a book where I wrote a line in the novel and was like - WOW. There's my title.
I will also be supah long-winded and say that the same publisher that picked up The Summer I Found You also picked up a book of mine called The Happiness of Joy and changed the title to Stronger Than You Think - I'm still getting used to it...
Thanks Jolene, for being on the blog and for writing books I crave to read.
Jolene is having a giveaway for 4 paperbacks to celebrate the release of The Weight of Love. I'm putting the link below, but don't feel like you should go to it as I want to up my chances of winning them!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have you read Jolene's books? If so, what's your favorite? I'm trying to decide which one to dive into next.
Next Monday I have a guest post by a MG expert. I hope you'll check it out! I crack up each time I read his reviews.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
(Never) Again Release Bloghop
If you're looking for the Butterman Travel Cover Reveal, scroll down or click here.
I'm participating in a bloghop in celebration of Theresa Paolo's release of (NEVER) AGAIN! Congrats, Theresa!
Here's how it works:
Liz, the main character of (Never) Again got her heart broken and refused to ever open it up to anyone again. We all know how that goes though. How many times have you swore off something only to step right back into it? So for this bloghop I want to know what it is you swore you would never do again and then wound up doing.
I'm participating in a bloghop in celebration of Theresa Paolo's release of (NEVER) AGAIN! Congrats, Theresa!
Here's how it works:
Liz, the main character of (Never) Again got her heart broken and refused to ever open it up to anyone again. We all know how that goes though. How many times have you swore off something only to step right back into it? So for this bloghop I want to know what it is you swore you would never do again and then wound up doing.
I have a rather long list, but the one I feel most guilty going back to is these guys:
I cannot resist Cheetos or Doritos with their artificial orange cheese flavor. Every time I buy a bag for my kids I find myself devouring it along side them and licking the orange scum off my fingers. On occasion I've even shoved my fingertips into the crevices of the bag to get those last cheesy crumbs.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Time Travel, Butterman Style
In honor of the cover reveal for Pk Hzeros's new book I'm answering the following question: If I could walk into Butterman (Time) Travel, Inc, and book a time trip, where (and when) would I go?
If it could be an imaginary place I would go to Damar. But as I have to come up with a real location and time I have to say visiting Lewis and Clark and going on their expedition to open the West.
PK Hrezo is a native Floridian whose life could easily be a Jimmy Buffet song. She shares her home with her firefighter husband and their two children. When not creating characters and their worlds, PK can be found at her other job of rearranging passenger’s itineraries for a major international airline. The only hobbies she loves more than traveling, are reading, writing, and music, and when the four are combined she exists in total bliss. She blogs regularly at PK HREZO: Fearless Fiction Where to find her: Twitter: @pkhrezo, Facebook, Website
If you could go anywhere where would you go?
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Favorite Recent Reads: Part Two
If you missed Part One, click here. I'm mainly convelescing in my bed with pnuemonia and while I do have two MS's I'm working on, my brain can't always revise, so I've been gorging on books.
Next up are two debuts I requested from Netgalley. These copies are given free for an honest review and I'm thrilled to be able to say that I LOVED these reads. I read each one in a single day and then danced around in happy book bliss (you know, like a runner's high, but instead that floating joy you feel after finishing a satisfying book). I will happily swoop up any and all future books by these authors (and get physical copies of these books as well, as I do for all my favorite reads.)
SKY JUMPERS by Peggy Eddleman is a satisfying middle grade read. Like Sanderson, Peggy created a detailed, believable (post WWIII) world. One that I want to experience. I don't know if I'll ever have the guts to sky dive, but I want to think I'd have the courage to take a deep breath and dive into the Bomb's Breath-especially if it was to save the people I love. Hope is a character I could relate to on a deep level. And even with all the serious, Peggy nailed the humor (a must for MG IMO), adding it just where it was needed while still keeping the tension rising. I'm giving this book to my kids and hope you'll share it with yours as well.
From Goodreads:
12-year-old Hope lives in White Rock, a town struggling to recover from the green bombs of World War III. The bombs destroyed almost everything that came before, so the skill that matters most in White Rock—sometimes it feels like the only thing that matters—is the ability to invent so that the world can regain some of what it’s lost.
But Hope is terrible at inventing and would much rather sneak off to cliff dive into the Bomb’s Breath—the deadly band of air that covers the crater the town lives in—than fail at yet another invention.
When bandits discover that White Rock has invented priceless antibiotics, they invade. The town must choose whether to hand over the medicine and die from disease in the coming months or to die fighting the bandits now. Hope and her friends, Aaren and Brock, might be the only ones who can escape through the Bomb’s Breath and make the dangerous trek over the snow-covered mountain to get help.
For once, inventing isn’t the answer, but the daring and risk-taking that usually gets Hope into trouble might just save them all.
RED by Alison Cherry is another book with an intricately created world. This book isn't science fiction, like the first two, but a contemporary tale with a made up, but real feeling town of Scarletville, Iowa. It's a haven for redheads, but not so much for any unfortunate brunettes, blondes, or heaven forbid, a strawbie.
From Goodreads: Felicity St. John has it all—loyal best friends, a hot guy, and artistic talent. And she’s right on track to win the Miss Scarlet pageant. Her perfect life is possible because of just one thing: her long, wavy, coppery red hair.
Having red hair is all that matters in Scarletville. Redheads hold all the power—and everybody knows it. That’s why Felicity is scared down to her roots when she receives an anonymous note:
I know your secret.
Because Felicity is a big fake. Her hair color comes straight out of a bottle. And if anyone discovered the truth, she’d be a social outcast faster than she could say "strawberry blond." Her mother would disown her, her friends would shun her, and her boyfriend would dump her. And forget about winning that pageant crown and the prize money that comes with it—money that would allow her to fulfill her dream of going to art school.
Felicity isn’t about to let someone blackmail her life away. But just how far is she willing to go to protect her red cred?
Felicity is a great MC and her supporting characters walked off the page-esp. Ivy (my fav.) and Jonathan. Alison set up a great premise for an amazingly fun read. I took my kindle with me everywhere, sneaking in a page here and there at school meetings and red lights. I'm not much for pageants or populars, but I was into this book and the dilemma of what Felicity would do. Also, I wanted to smack her mother a time or two. Any mom who says, "It's the face you present to the world that matters, not how you feel inside." is in trouble in my book.
It's funny, it's deep, and there are the sweetest moments and some of the most delicious fries eaten. You will be hungry, you will laugh, and you will definitely think about the redheads in your life and how they normally feel. Here's to not judging people by the color of their hair or their skin, but what's inside.
Have you read any of these beauties? What did you think? Any advise for my next MUST READ?
Also, my first page of GUTTER GIRL is up for First Impressions on Dianne K Salerni's In High Spirits and Marcy Hatch's Mainewords. I'd be grateful if you'd visit one of them and let me know what you think:D Thanks in advance!
Next up are two debuts I requested from Netgalley. These copies are given free for an honest review and I'm thrilled to be able to say that I LOVED these reads. I read each one in a single day and then danced around in happy book bliss (you know, like a runner's high, but instead that floating joy you feel after finishing a satisfying book). I will happily swoop up any and all future books by these authors (and get physical copies of these books as well, as I do for all my favorite reads.)
SKY JUMPERS by Peggy Eddleman is a satisfying middle grade read. Like Sanderson, Peggy created a detailed, believable (post WWIII) world. One that I want to experience. I don't know if I'll ever have the guts to sky dive, but I want to think I'd have the courage to take a deep breath and dive into the Bomb's Breath-especially if it was to save the people I love. Hope is a character I could relate to on a deep level. And even with all the serious, Peggy nailed the humor (a must for MG IMO), adding it just where it was needed while still keeping the tension rising. I'm giving this book to my kids and hope you'll share it with yours as well.
From Goodreads:
12-year-old Hope lives in White Rock, a town struggling to recover from the green bombs of World War III. The bombs destroyed almost everything that came before, so the skill that matters most in White Rock—sometimes it feels like the only thing that matters—is the ability to invent so that the world can regain some of what it’s lost.
But Hope is terrible at inventing and would much rather sneak off to cliff dive into the Bomb’s Breath—the deadly band of air that covers the crater the town lives in—than fail at yet another invention.
When bandits discover that White Rock has invented priceless antibiotics, they invade. The town must choose whether to hand over the medicine and die from disease in the coming months or to die fighting the bandits now. Hope and her friends, Aaren and Brock, might be the only ones who can escape through the Bomb’s Breath and make the dangerous trek over the snow-covered mountain to get help.
For once, inventing isn’t the answer, but the daring and risk-taking that usually gets Hope into trouble might just save them all.
RED by Alison Cherry is another book with an intricately created world. This book isn't science fiction, like the first two, but a contemporary tale with a made up, but real feeling town of Scarletville, Iowa. It's a haven for redheads, but not so much for any unfortunate brunettes, blondes, or heaven forbid, a strawbie.
From Goodreads: Felicity St. John has it all—loyal best friends, a hot guy, and artistic talent. And she’s right on track to win the Miss Scarlet pageant. Her perfect life is possible because of just one thing: her long, wavy, coppery red hair.
Having red hair is all that matters in Scarletville. Redheads hold all the power—and everybody knows it. That’s why Felicity is scared down to her roots when she receives an anonymous note:
I know your secret.
Because Felicity is a big fake. Her hair color comes straight out of a bottle. And if anyone discovered the truth, she’d be a social outcast faster than she could say "strawberry blond." Her mother would disown her, her friends would shun her, and her boyfriend would dump her. And forget about winning that pageant crown and the prize money that comes with it—money that would allow her to fulfill her dream of going to art school.
Felicity isn’t about to let someone blackmail her life away. But just how far is she willing to go to protect her red cred?
It's funny, it's deep, and there are the sweetest moments and some of the most delicious fries eaten. You will be hungry, you will laugh, and you will definitely think about the redheads in your life and how they normally feel. Here's to not judging people by the color of their hair or their skin, but what's inside.
Have you read any of these beauties? What did you think? Any advise for my next MUST READ?
Also, my first page of GUTTER GIRL is up for First Impressions on Dianne K Salerni's In High Spirits and Marcy Hatch's Mainewords. I'd be grateful if you'd visit one of them and let me know what you think:D Thanks in advance!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Fantastic Recent Reads: Part One
Lucky me has pnuemonia. At least it is walking pneumonia, but still, for normally active me being able to function on a low level isn't satisfying. At least I have had some great reads to keep me happy.
I had these in one post and then realized it was one extremely LONG post, so here is part one. Check back tomorrow for Part Two and two more fantastic recent reads. I might even have another post on Friday. I just read a book a day for the past three days by an incredible author and I can't wait to share them with you.
First up:
THE RITHMATIST It's not secret that I have a serious crush on Brandon Sanderson. It's one of my great faults in life that I was at BYU and didn't take creative writing from him (or anyone). I was years past my degree before I decided I could be a writer and started putting pen to paper. Okay, back to Sanderson. His Mistborn series is unbeatable. I've had many a debate with my siblings on whether Mistborn or Elantris is his best work. I'm stubborn. I'll always say Mistborn, but then that's what I read first.
As always, his world is intricately created and world class (hehe).
From Goodreads: More than anything, Joel wants to be a Rithmatist. Chosen by the Master in a mysterious inception ceremony, Rithmatists have the power to infuse life into two-dimensional figures known as Chalklings. Rithmatists are humanity’s only defense against the Wild Chalklings — merciless creatures that leave mangled corpses in their wake. Having nearly overrun the territory of Nebrask, the Wild Chalklings now threaten all of the American Isles.
As the son of a lowly chalkmaker at Armedius Academy, Joel can only watch as Rithmatist students study the magical art that he would do anything to practice. Then students start disappearing — kidnapped from their rooms at night, leaving trails of blood. Assigned to help the professor who is investigating the crimes, Joel and his friend Melody find themselves on the trail of an unexpected discovery — one that will change Rithmatics — and their world — forever.
This book also has illustrations of chalk defenses (used by Rithmatist drawn on surfaces, usually the ground, to keep back Wild Chalklings) at the start of each chapter, such as the one below:
I followed Joel and Melody as they worked to solve the mystery of the missing students and keep The United Isles safe. A definite page turner...in fact, the second I read the end I kissed the book (I know, silly, but I kiss favorite books) and then looked to see when book 2 was coming out. Unfortunately it's not until 2015, so maybe I'm doing you a disservice telling you about THE RITHMATIST, but I enjoyed it so much I had to share.
Have you read it? Did you love it? I found myself fingering the drawings and checking my pocket for chalk. Another amazing book by a master storyteller.
Also, my first page of GUTTER GIRL is up for First Impressions on Dianne K Salerni's In High Spirits and Marcy Hatch's Mainewords. I'd be grateful if you'd visit one of them and let me know what you think:D Thanks in advance!
I had these in one post and then realized it was one extremely LONG post, so here is part one. Check back tomorrow for Part Two and two more fantastic recent reads. I might even have another post on Friday. I just read a book a day for the past three days by an incredible author and I can't wait to share them with you.
First up:
THE RITHMATIST It's not secret that I have a serious crush on Brandon Sanderson. It's one of my great faults in life that I was at BYU and didn't take creative writing from him (or anyone). I was years past my degree before I decided I could be a writer and started putting pen to paper. Okay, back to Sanderson. His Mistborn series is unbeatable. I've had many a debate with my siblings on whether Mistborn or Elantris is his best work. I'm stubborn. I'll always say Mistborn, but then that's what I read first.
As always, his world is intricately created and world class (hehe).
From Goodreads: More than anything, Joel wants to be a Rithmatist. Chosen by the Master in a mysterious inception ceremony, Rithmatists have the power to infuse life into two-dimensional figures known as Chalklings. Rithmatists are humanity’s only defense against the Wild Chalklings — merciless creatures that leave mangled corpses in their wake. Having nearly overrun the territory of Nebrask, the Wild Chalklings now threaten all of the American Isles.
As the son of a lowly chalkmaker at Armedius Academy, Joel can only watch as Rithmatist students study the magical art that he would do anything to practice. Then students start disappearing — kidnapped from their rooms at night, leaving trails of blood. Assigned to help the professor who is investigating the crimes, Joel and his friend Melody find themselves on the trail of an unexpected discovery — one that will change Rithmatics — and their world — forever.
This book also has illustrations of chalk defenses (used by Rithmatist drawn on surfaces, usually the ground, to keep back Wild Chalklings) at the start of each chapter, such as the one below:
I followed Joel and Melody as they worked to solve the mystery of the missing students and keep The United Isles safe. A definite page turner...in fact, the second I read the end I kissed the book (I know, silly, but I kiss favorite books) and then looked to see when book 2 was coming out. Unfortunately it's not until 2015, so maybe I'm doing you a disservice telling you about THE RITHMATIST, but I enjoyed it so much I had to share.
Have you read it? Did you love it? I found myself fingering the drawings and checking my pocket for chalk. Another amazing book by a master storyteller.
Also, my first page of GUTTER GIRL is up for First Impressions on Dianne K Salerni's In High Spirits and Marcy Hatch's Mainewords. I'd be grateful if you'd visit one of them and let me know what you think:D Thanks in advance!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
What's Up Wednesday: Cake Edition
“What’s Up Wednesday” is a weekly meme started by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk. From Jaime: It’s similar in some respects to the Currently… post, but it’s been whittled down to only four headings to make it quicker and more manageable on a weekly basis. You’re invited to join us if you’re looking for something to blog about, a way to let your blog friends know what’s been going on with you. If you’re participating, make sure to link your What’s Up Wednesday posts to the list on Jaime’s blog each week. That way, others can visit your post and check out what you’ve been up to.
What I'm Reading:
TRUMPET OF THE SWAN is another book from my childhood that I remember loving, but not much beyond that. We're listening to it now in the car and the kiddos are really getting into it.
SKY JUMPERS by Peggy Eggleman. I met her at LDStorymakers and she was nice and smart and funny, just like her debut. It took me to the second chapter to be hooked, but now I'm flying through the story of Hope, her little inventing town, the Bomb's Breath, and bandits. I'm giving it to my kiddos as soon as I'm finished so they can revel in the intricate world building, characters I feel for, and spot on humor.
What I'm Writing:
I'm working on a second draft of my MG novel. I've done the read through, I know (some of) what I have to do, but it's not as easy as I want it to be. I'm finding too many excuses to NOT write this week. Pledging now to do better. I'm supposed to have this revision done this month and beta ready, so I need to get cracking.
What Else I've Been Up To:
Three kid birthdays in one week. Who would have thought you could be tired of cake? I'm living proof it's possible.
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10 yo. No, he's not shy. He simply doesn't like the camera flash. |
My silly 6yo Cowgirl |
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We had fancy cupcakes for lunch, but she wanted to decorate her own cake:) |
My beautiful 8yo before her baptism. She's wearing the same dress I was baptized in when I was eight. *so special* |
What Inspires Me Right Now:
- Having to take the flashlight away from my 10yo at 11 pm so he'll finally stop reading and go to sleep.
- All the new cover beauty I'm seeing all of over the internet. Three of my favorites here, here, and here.
- Beta readers with spot on feedback
- Spoilery kissy scenes from my CPs
- General Conference
What are you guys up to on this lovely Wednesday?
Friday, October 4, 2013
Does Fantasy Have a Place in Sporty Girl Books?
Today I'm over on Sporty Girl Books discussing whether fantasy has a place in Sporty Girl Books. Come on over and tell me what you think! Click here.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
IWSG: Falling for Fall
If you're looking for my interview with Kristine Asselin about her book deal with Bloomsbury, click here.
Insecure Writers Support Group is the brainchild of Alex J. Cavenaugh. The first Wednesday of every month is a time when we can express our insecurities freely and be supportive of each other. Let's face it: if we're writers, no matter where we are on the journey, we have some form of insecurity hugging us like Linus hugs his security blanket.
October and my favorite season are here, so I can't feel down. I can't even think about my own insecurities, though I'm confident I have many. I'm feeling like Anne of Green Gables:
So I'm going to hug my (in)security blanke to me as I sit on my deck feeling the crisp, cool of fall and seeing (for the firs time in four years) the changing of the leaves.
I recognize that fall is the end of the growing season and the world dying, but for me it will always be associated with the fresh start of something new. Anything can happen this time of year. That's why the air smells so good, the earth is getting a clean slate and preparing for the future. Today I'm ready for what's to come (at least that's what I'll be saying until winter gets here!)
I'm loving fall, writing away, and happy to be alive.
How's your October?
Insecure Writers Support Group is the brainchild of Alex J. Cavenaugh. The first Wednesday of every month is a time when we can express our insecurities freely and be supportive of each other. Let's face it: if we're writers, no matter where we are on the journey, we have some form of insecurity hugging us like Linus hugs his security blanket.
October and my favorite season are here, so I can't feel down. I can't even think about my own insecurities, though I'm confident I have many. I'm feeling like Anne of Green Gables:
So I'm going to hug my (in)security blanke to me as I sit on my deck feeling the crisp, cool of fall and seeing (for the firs time in four years) the changing of the leaves.
I recognize that fall is the end of the growing season and the world dying, but for me it will always be associated with the fresh start of something new. Anything can happen this time of year. That's why the air smells so good, the earth is getting a clean slate and preparing for the future. Today I'm ready for what's to come (at least that's what I'll be saying until winter gets here!)
I'm loving fall, writing away, and happy to be alive.
How's your October?
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Interview with Author Kristine Asselin
Kristine and I met when she was agent sisters with one of my CP's. She was so sweet offering to help with my query and first pages at WOC last year and then checking up on me on twitter. Since then we've kept in touch and both contribute to Sporty Girl Books. I'm thrilled she sold her own Sporty Girl Book, THE SWEET SPOT.
Hi Kristine! *waves*
First, could you tell us about this amazing book you've sold--and I was lucky enough to beta?
Thank you so much, Robin, for having me! I’m still pinching myself that I’m talking about my sale! The PM announcement is:
Kristine Carlson Asselin's THE SWEET SPOT, in which it is hard enough being a sporty girl in a guy's world without having to figure out who wants to destroy her family business, especially when it could mean accusing her best friend… and secret crush, to Meredith Rich of Bloomsbury Spark by Kathleen Rushall of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.
It’s basically about a girl who is a talented golfer and who waffles about being one of the few girls playing competitively. She also waffles about what playing golf will do to her social status. Her family and her crush pull her in one direction and her BFF pulls her in another. Should I? or Shouldn’t I? sort of stuff. When someone vandalizes her family’s small golf course, things get real. She starts focusing on things that are more important than her vanity or her nerves or whether or not golf is cool or not. And her game gets better when she stops worrying about it. Of course then there are other things for her to worry about. :)
I understand it was through a pitch contest that you piqued the interest of your editor with this tweet: A near-miss kiss from Scott, Dad hires a hot new Brit & SOMEONE torches the 8th green. How can Kate focus on her golf game? #YA #pitmad
What was the first thing you did when you received your offer?
The very first thing I did was probably squeal. A lot. LOL. The next thing I did was call my friend Ansha Kotyk, followed quickly by a barrage of text messages to my CP Trisha Leaver, and then probably my husband. I was on my way to a family party and spent the whole time texting a couple of close friends and panicking because even though my query had a great request rate and I had a bunch of fulls out, I hadn’t signed with my agent yet.
Yes, that is slightly unconventional, you got an publishing deal offer before you signed with Kathleen Rushall. Could you tell us about your unique agent-seeking journey?
I had been querying agents since my previous agent left her agency to seek her fortune elsewhere. I didn’t intentionally queried Bloomsbury. Meredith Rich was interested in seeing my MS after the twitter pitch contest, where I had been focused on agents.
Once I got the offer from Meredith, I stepped up my agent search, knowing that I wanted an agent to work with me on the contract and help me with selling my other work.
Kathleen had seen my work previously and we had corresponded about both THE SWEET SPOT and my middle grade project. When I got the offer from Bloomsbury, I reached out to the team at Marsal Lyon, along with several other agents I knew and respected. Kat and I talked a bit about my other works-in-progress, and she offered.
I ended up having two other agent offers as well, so it was bittersweet to have to turn down fabulous people. I’m so happy with Kat and look forward to a long and successful relationship!
I LOVE seeing timelines of book to print. Could you tell us the process for THE SWEET SPOT?
You’re sure you want this? It’s a long one…
Writing: THE SWEET SPOT started as a short story I wrote in August 2007. It was about 2500 words, called THE KNIGHT IN TAN KHAKIS. It was published in (now defunct) Golfer Girl Magazine in December 2008.
Over the course of the next 3 years, the short story morphed into a novel, was critiqued, workshopped and rewritten multiple times.
Revising: I was a finalist for a pitch contest on QueryTracker in 2010. I revised a bit as a result of working with an agent involved in that contest, as well as through other professional critiques at conferences and crit partners until I felt like it was ready to query.
Querying: I officially started querying in spring 2010, and signed with my first agent in March 2011.
Submitting: It was submitted by my first agent in summer 2011 to a short list of editors and didn’t sell. I completely rewrote it in the first person POV in spring/summer 2012. My first agent left agenting in November 2012. Flash forward 6 months, Meredith saw my pitch in the #pitmad feed and Kathleen signed me soon after.
As an aside here, I’m a poster child for the concept of Do. Not. Give. Up. Persistence in the face of bumps in the road. Keep writing, keep learning your craft, write other things, but don’t give up.
Publication: Scheduled for publication in late spring 2014
You, like THE SWEET SPOT's Kate, are a golfer. If you were golfing together how do imagine the game would play out?
Kate would kick my butt. And then kick it some more. She’s a much better golfer than I ever was, though I can hold my own with a five iron.
What does your writing space look like?
I wish I had a “real” writing space. Insert frowny face here. J I write on my couch, on my dining room table, at the library, at the Barnes and Noble coffee shop. Wherever there’s space and where I think I can focus that particular day.
What project are you working on now?
I’ve got a couple of works-in-progress, including a MG fantasy and MG mystery as well as a YA supernatural, but as I dive into revisions with Meredith I’m actually contemplating a sequel for THE SWEET SPOT!
Thank you for being on Robin Hall Writes!
Hi Kristine! *waves*
First, could you tell us about this amazing book you've sold--and I was lucky enough to beta?
Thank you so much, Robin, for having me! I’m still pinching myself that I’m talking about my sale! The PM announcement is:
Kristine Carlson Asselin's THE SWEET SPOT, in which it is hard enough being a sporty girl in a guy's world without having to figure out who wants to destroy her family business, especially when it could mean accusing her best friend… and secret crush, to Meredith Rich of Bloomsbury Spark by Kathleen Rushall of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

I understand it was through a pitch contest that you piqued the interest of your editor with this tweet: A near-miss kiss from Scott, Dad hires a hot new Brit & SOMEONE torches the 8th green. How can Kate focus on her golf game? #YA #pitmad
What was the first thing you did when you received your offer?
The very first thing I did was probably squeal. A lot. LOL. The next thing I did was call my friend Ansha Kotyk, followed quickly by a barrage of text messages to my CP Trisha Leaver, and then probably my husband. I was on my way to a family party and spent the whole time texting a couple of close friends and panicking because even though my query had a great request rate and I had a bunch of fulls out, I hadn’t signed with my agent yet.
Yes, that is slightly unconventional, you got an publishing deal offer before you signed with Kathleen Rushall. Could you tell us about your unique agent-seeking journey?
I had been querying agents since my previous agent left her agency to seek her fortune elsewhere. I didn’t intentionally queried Bloomsbury. Meredith Rich was interested in seeing my MS after the twitter pitch contest, where I had been focused on agents.
Once I got the offer from Meredith, I stepped up my agent search, knowing that I wanted an agent to work with me on the contract and help me with selling my other work.
Kathleen had seen my work previously and we had corresponded about both THE SWEET SPOT and my middle grade project. When I got the offer from Bloomsbury, I reached out to the team at Marsal Lyon, along with several other agents I knew and respected. Kat and I talked a bit about my other works-in-progress, and she offered.
I ended up having two other agent offers as well, so it was bittersweet to have to turn down fabulous people. I’m so happy with Kat and look forward to a long and successful relationship!
I LOVE seeing timelines of book to print. Could you tell us the process for THE SWEET SPOT?
You’re sure you want this? It’s a long one…
Writing: THE SWEET SPOT started as a short story I wrote in August 2007. It was about 2500 words, called THE KNIGHT IN TAN KHAKIS. It was published in (now defunct) Golfer Girl Magazine in December 2008.
Over the course of the next 3 years, the short story morphed into a novel, was critiqued, workshopped and rewritten multiple times.
Revising: I was a finalist for a pitch contest on QueryTracker in 2010. I revised a bit as a result of working with an agent involved in that contest, as well as through other professional critiques at conferences and crit partners until I felt like it was ready to query.
Querying: I officially started querying in spring 2010, and signed with my first agent in March 2011.
Submitting: It was submitted by my first agent in summer 2011 to a short list of editors and didn’t sell. I completely rewrote it in the first person POV in spring/summer 2012. My first agent left agenting in November 2012. Flash forward 6 months, Meredith saw my pitch in the #pitmad feed and Kathleen signed me soon after.
As an aside here, I’m a poster child for the concept of Do. Not. Give. Up. Persistence in the face of bumps in the road. Keep writing, keep learning your craft, write other things, but don’t give up.
Publication: Scheduled for publication in late spring 2014
You, like THE SWEET SPOT's Kate, are a golfer. If you were golfing together how do imagine the game would play out?
Kate would kick my butt. And then kick it some more. She’s a much better golfer than I ever was, though I can hold my own with a five iron.
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a five iron, in case you're like me |
What does your writing space look like?
I wish I had a “real” writing space. Insert frowny face here. J I write on my couch, on my dining room table, at the library, at the Barnes and Noble coffee shop. Wherever there’s space and where I think I can focus that particular day.
What project are you working on now?
I’ve got a couple of works-in-progress, including a MG fantasy and MG mystery as well as a YA supernatural, but as I dive into revisions with Meredith I’m actually contemplating a sequel for THE SWEET SPOT!
Thank you for being on Robin Hall Writes!
Where you can find out more about Kris
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