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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Meet Miss Spelling

And I don't mean Tori.

Miss Spelling READS the Dictionary every morning with her cup of peppermint tea. She can spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious backwards without even closing her eyes. She's calm under pressure, looks good in green, doesn't spell check her tweets, and never needed the assistance of Mr. Spell Check.

poor overworked guy! 
I, on the other hand, dread pulling out the dictionary, can't even spell supercalif . . . forwards, even with my eyes closed. I rely heavily on Mr. Spell Check.

Not that I'll ever be as together as Miss Spelling, or become a pocket protector wearing Mr. Spell Check, but I'm making an effort to be more like her and use Mr. Spell Check less. Doesn't he look overworked?

 To the end, as I write if I type a word and the red squiggly line attacks it, or if I pause in typing, not sure whether to use bare or bear, I do what my teachers always told me. I look it up.
And then I go a step further. I write the correct spelling and any notes I need on index cards (that I cut in half).

I thought I'd share some of my recent misspelled* words **.


*I had to look up misspelled just to be sure for this post*
**If you're curious, I found the 100 most often misspelled words here.


  1. I think you're the uber-coolest person on the planet for making yourself index cards of misspelled words. While I don't do that, I do Google lay vs. lie about once a month, or any other writing question I might have. Hopefully one day those pesky rules will sink in my brain. (I finally figured out how to make the rule of who vs. whom stick, so kudos to me for that!)

    Rock on, Robin!

    1. I know, lay vs. lie, always have to check. Takes me back to that first day in Louise's class, do you remember?

  2. I rely way too much on those squiggly red lines. You are all kinds of cool for trying to learn as you go, Robin.

    1. Thanks Ilima! I'm hoping that eventually I won't see so many of them and that it won't distract me from writing (I like to correct them ASAP)

  3. I was going to comment that I've been trying to work on my spelling and grammar. I failed to gain an education in proper grammar. Just this morning I was double checking lay vs lie to make sure I used it correctly!
    One thing I have been doing is fixing my own red underlined misspellings instead of using the computer to help me. Nice to know I'm not the only one.

  4. Ah Robin- I am the Queen of mis-pronunciation and miss-spelling. I pray my followers forgive all my errors, because believe it or not, even with spell check and proof-reading my work, I ALWAYS make mistakes. I think it's a very good thing you do to learn from your spelling errors!

  5. I work as an editor and there are still words that I find myself misspelling or looking up. "Unnecessary" almost ALWAYS gets me--so many double consonants and I always think there should be two Cs...

    And it's so easy to mistype something even when you know how it's spelled. Spellcheck is an awesome tool. So are dictionaries. :D

  6. Right there with you. Who made up the English language anyway? Though I'd probably still have a hard time regardless of the language...

  7. i know what ya mean. i'm neither miss spelling or mr. spellcheck.

  8. If it weren't for firefox, my spelling errors would sing like a choir. :)

  9. Oh man, my day job is as an engineer. They have coffee mugs that make fun of how bad of spellers we are :)

    And so nice to *meet* you! I found you through Ms. Cassie Mae :)

  10. Acquiesce is a toughy and I too rely on squiggly lines.

    Your stalker comment on Kate Coursey's post was so creeptastic I had to come by and say hi! I'm not that far from you too in SoCal..........

  11. Whether, Weather and yep, Wether. My first script was full of castrated rams.

  12. Completely understand! Spell check can definitely be a savior :)

    New follower
