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Sunday, December 11, 2011

What I Learned from NaNoWriMo

1. Even though I had a brand new baby boy, sleep was at a minimum, AND I was a literal milk machine, everyday I was driven to write, specifically to get my word count up. I was addicted to updating my word count on NaNoWriMo's site and watching my chart soar. I had to stay about the line-even the thought of dipping below the average made me afraid that I wouldn't finish. So I pushed myself and kept my fingers clicking away even when I didn't know where my story was going (which was often since I started only with a basic concept and NO plan!)

2. Taking a day off (Sundays) really helped me see my story clearly, and gave me a break so I came back stronger each Monday.

3. My Crit Group were wonderful supporters-we became a much more positive, cohesive group during Nano. Instead of tearing down each other's writing we were each others cheerleaders-rejoicing in each day's success. We emailed our daily word count and our last line to each other--I blamed my boring last lines to new babyhood and wondered (secretly) if my crit partners were stopping on super cool lines.

4. My husband thought I was crazy for the entire month. "You're not getting enough sleep, the house is a disaster, I'm cooking all the meals, and you're writing AGAIN."

5. When I'm writing for word count I overwrite big time. On my first read through I cut out 7,000 words.

6. It took my almost 2 years to complete the 1st draft of my 1st novel. Writing a complete draft in a month (with new baby) I felt like a superhero.

7. I want to do NaNoWriMo every year--to be part of something so big, to be able to write crap and still feel successful-I loved it.


  1. Yes! NaNo is wonderful for all those reasons :) And I only stopped on a super cool line purposely a few times :)

  2. Oh, this is bringing back crazy memories of November. I don't know how my family or me survived that month. My husband spent a lot of money entertaining the kids away from the house so I could write! Great post.
