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Friday, April 26, 2013

Wordworking: W is for Who vs. That

You know Maria, she is the girl that used to run track.
You know the socket wrench, it's the one who is red.

If you're like me, you read the first sentence and didn't think anything was wrong with it. Hopefully the second sentence drew some red flags. Even my "polished" MS was peppered with thats, that should have been whos, two months ago, but not anymore.

Use who when talking about a person and that when you're talking about an object.

You know Maria, she is the girl who used to run track.
You know the socket wrench, it's the one that is red.

Does who vs. that ever confuse you?


  1. Quite often I get confused when writing.
    Good W post.


  2. They don't confuse me but I do go back and have to fix my THAT to WHO when writing about a person. I think this one might be my fav post thus far.

  3. It annoys me when I see that used when it clearly should be who.
