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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wordworking: O is for Of

This is my burnout day. It's a good thing we have a guest blogger tomorrow, because A to Z is wearing my down.

Get your feet off of the couch.
I jumped off of the trampoline.
Jim fell off of the toilet again.

O is also for Omitting Of. Shocking, but true: the of after off is unnecessary.

Read the sentences again without of:

Get your feet off the couch.
I jumped off the trampoline.
Jim fell off the toilet again.

That's it for today guys. But tomorrow my agent sister E.M. Caines is here with a hilarious bit on pronouns, possessives, and possessive pronouns. Say that five times fast.

If I got anything wrong, feel free to correct me in the comments. If you're doing the A to Z challenge let me know and I'll come check it out.

Write On:D


  1. A good O word for the A to Z. Well thought out.


  2. Great example of how unnecessary words can be cut. Hang in there. You're getting done with this.

  3. You're doing a grea job Robin! Another great sentence filler to omit while writing.
    Cover Girls

  4. When I discovered this it was so liberating! Down with of and that!

    And I hear ya sister! Burn out is right. But you're doing awesome and the end is in sight!!

  5. This is one the best pieces writing advice I've seen. (Oops, I think I need a couple "of's" there.) But seriously, excellent post!

  6. When my husband yells, "get off of the couch kids!" I always cringe. Then I correct him. Ha!

  7. I think I use this one more in my speech than my writing - thankfully. The last thing I need is another over used word, lol.

    You really are doing great, and there's not much longer left now. Yay for guest posts!

  8. Hello, Robin! Good tip! As Dr. Seuss said: “The writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads.”

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  9. Good one for "o". I'm on A to Z burn out as well.

  10. Excellent! That is one of my grammar pet peeves. Preach on, sister! Cheers!

  11. Great tip!

    I hear you on the burn out. :)

  12. I would have burnt out long before O, if I had not written the posts weeks ago!

  13. Love the way you teach! And I'm with you... A to Z is wearing me down too. I'm running out of family stories! :) Thanks for visiting my blog today.

    P.S. I'll come back tomorrow to read what agent sis has to say.

  14. I pre-wrote many posts and am still burned out! Great post though--these are things I'm totally unaware of.

  15. I can't wait to get off (-of) this A-to-Z cycle! LOL

  16. hello! popping in from a-z. The 'of' thing always sticks out at me when people use it. :-) The a-z is wearing me down too. It happens every year...two weeks in, I'm wondering why I started this! Love all your tips here...good theme. New follower. Visit me, if you'd like:
    from The Dugout
